Animation Projects

In HACC’s Web program Multimedia track, Professor Barker was the major source of instruction. Students worked with Adobe software: Photoshop, Animate, and After Effects. I’ve made some improvements or adjustments to the projects so they might no longer satisfy all the requirements of the assignments, but I thought they looked better for viewers.

Cinemagraph GIF

HACC WEB135 Web Design with Raster Images: Cinemagraph GIF

This was a tough and time-consuming project using Adobe Photoshop. I took the movie at the Cape May County Park and Zoo. Yes, it’s not perfect, but pretty cool!

zebra cinemagraph gif


Animated GIF

HACC WEB135 Web Design with Raster Images: Animated GIF

Again using Photoshop, this was another tough project. The snowflakes were a major challenge with selections. Oh! and maybe refresh your page, this GIF only cycles 3 times.

snow sale ad, animated gif original Pixabay image of snow scene    original Pixabay image of snowflake

original images from Pixabay: winter-215171.jpg and snowflake-1209909.jpg.
font: Hobo Std.


Kinetic Typography in After Effects

HACC WEB230 2-Dimensional Animation for the Web

So it is all about typography! First the quote, next my voice, and finally picking fonts. Then I watched the youTube Tutorial with Mikey. After Effects’ camera and text tools can help you create really fun projects.
