Photoshop Projects

Prior to becoming a student at HACC, I used Photoshop to just do the basics… cropping, removing bits, changing color to black and white. I was really missing a lot!

My opinion is: to appreciate work done in Photoshop, one should see what the artist started with. So, I’ve included some of the original pieces for these works.

Doing Selections in Photoshop

HACC WEB135 Web Design with Raster Images: First Project

This project required students to properly use selections and arrange the pieces as a person or animal. Had fun with this one!

cat made of fruit, vegies, and pasta

Fruit, veggie, and pasta images provided by Prof. R. Barker


Website Header Design

HACC WEB135 Web Design with Raster Images: Imaginary Website header, Dragonfly Pond

Using Photoshop’s Select and Mask. The dragonfly’s legs were super challenging. I took the photograph of the pond at Ladew Topiary Gardens, located in Monkton, Maryland.

Dragonfly Pond website header original Pixabay image of dragonfly

original image from Pixabay: dragonfly-1678749.jpg


Website Design

HACC WEB135 Web Design with Raster Images: Website Design

On this project we used Photoshops actions and slices to create an HTML file. All of that is not shown here, however the design of this website is nice. Most of the images are from a trip we took to Scotland in 2015. Except the “Architecture…” one, the small nav bar images are from Pixabay.

Visit Scotland fake website


Composition Design

HACC WEB135 Web Design with Raster Images: Imaginary Composition

For this assignment students were to use selection and font tools (tracking, kerning, leading), and compositional techniques. This was an interesting project. The pretzel’s salt bits and removing the screen in the background was a major challenge.

composition of German styles pretzels original Pixabay image of park in Kassel, Germany    original Pixabay image of pretzels

original images from Pixabay: kassel-648247.jpg and wiesnbreze-1694094.jpg.
fonts: Boecklins Universe and Josefin Sans Bold.


Typography Art

HACC WEB135 Web Design with Raster Images: Working with Typography

This assignment had students use typography and layer styles to create an art piece. The sky photo is one of my own pics.

Our life is what our thoughts make it. --Marcus Aurelius
