Illustrator Projects

Illustrator is a very versatile tool. Once you get comfortable with the pen tool, it is amazing what you can do with it.

My logo SVG—up in the header—was created with Illustrator. Illustrator gives you the ability to really have control on spacing and manipulating fonts.

Modular Grid Project

HACC WEB225 Responsive Design and Typography: Modular Grid

This project required students to use a grid system and typography.

modular grid

background image from “photographer-1209785.jpg”


Map Drawing

HACC WEB138 Vector Imaging and SVG project: Map drawing over raster image

This project was students’ first exercise in using Illustrator and the pen tool. Turned out to be an interesting challenge.

traced art map of Port Orange Florida



HACC WEB138 Vector Imaging and SVG project: Infographic

For this assignment, we were to find a nonprofit that might have data that could be displayed as an infographic. I choose the National Stroke Association and replicated their colors and style.

infographic for National Stroke Association
